Sunday, May 31, 2020

Bird Bath Cover Up

There was this ugly sewer tap in thing in our back yard. I hated it from the minute we moved in and thought long and hard on how to cover it up.

So, what does every back yard need besides a bird feeder to attract those cute little feathered beauties? 

A Bird Bath, of course! 

Hubby made this box from plywood. Just cut four equal pieces and nailed them together to fit around that sewer pipe.

Next; Bright blue spray paint. 

Then I took chalk and drew some flowers and birds and painted on some whimsy. 

After it was all done I used a spray sealer with UV protection so it would withstand the rain and sun. 

Once that was dry we glued on one of those bottoms to a flower pot. I think it was maybe $3 in Lowes. We used an all weather glue to hold up to the elements. 

Finished! Easy Peasy Bird Bath Cover Up! 

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