Tuesday, July 28, 2015

To Art or Not to Art ~ Is that a Question?

Please excuse messy studio. The jobs are piling up!
Life throws crazy things at us. Some good, some bad, some just time consuming. All these things can throw a monkey wrench into creating art.

I've been working on this stool for too many weeks now. Not that I'm that prolific a painter, but with a simple design, I'm usually better than this...

The worst part? I'm doing this as a gift!

My home is suddenly under construction. My studio is being moved to the other side of the house as we create a new master bedroom. This meant taking down the wall between my studio and a spare room. I'm happy this will make an awesome new bedroom with walk in closets, but I cried when they took down that wall. My studio was the place where time didn't touch, where my soul opened up, and I could breathe. For now it's gone.

There's a bedroom down the hall I'm going to claim as a studio when all the construction is done, but that's going to be a few weeks. Right now I'm working in the kitchen. Tarp goes down on the floor and there are paints and brushes all over the table. My toolbox/rolling art studio (thanks you Sears!) sits behind the recliner and I'm doing my best to keep going. Still, work is slow...

Half way there...
So here's where I'm at now. Basic lines are in and trying to carve out time when the kitchen isn't busy and I can get back to work.

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